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Category: Unions

May 21
Volvo Truck workers in Virginia demanding full contract

Rank-and-file Volvo workers in Dublin, Virginia, are demanding the release of the full contract after the United Auto Workers announced that its negotiators had reached another deal, this time for a six-year labor agreement covering the nearly 3,000 workers at the New River Valley plant. The UAW Local 2069 bargaining committee released a statement Thursday...

Jan 22
Teamsters rush to end strike as support grows for Hunts Point warehouse workers in New York City

The union indicated Thursday it intends to cut a sell-out deal with the produce market companies. Read More

Jan 21
New York City workers demand action to defend Hunts Point strikers

Teachers, transit and other workers in New York City denounced Tuesday’s police attack on striking warehouse workers and are calling for unified action to fight the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic and poverty wages. Read More

Jan 20
Boston Teachers Union agrees to return to in-person classes for thousands of students

The agreement was reached a day before the BTU took part in last week’s phony “Day of Resistance” protest aimed at appealing to Biden and the Democratic Party. Read More

Jan 19
Workers at New York City produce market launch first strike since 1986

Drivers and warehouse workers at Hunts Point Terminal Produce Market, the largest produce market in the world, are striking against inadequate protections during the pandemic and management’s refusal to raise their hourly wage by one dollar. Read More

Dec 22
Washington D.C. teachers union reaches agreement with Democratic mayor to reopen schools

The deal reached last week entails the broad reopening of schools in which teachers could be required to return to in-person teaching. World Socialist Web Site – Marxist analysis, international working class struggles & the fight for socialism Read More

Dec 18
Reject the SEIU sellout: Mobilize the working class to defend HCA nurses in southern California!

With the pandemic spreading out of control and California hospitals strained beyond capacity by the flood of nearly 20,000 COVID-19 patients, including at least 3,500 in ICUs, nurses in Southern California have taken a stand to demand safe staffing levels and protections that are critical to save the lives of health care workers and patients...